Flow Science Lab |
Fang-Bao Tian
Associate Professor (ARC DECRA Fellow 2016-2019, Deputy Head of School-Research 2023-) School of Engineering and Technology University of New South Wales Canberra, ACT 2610, Australia
Room 216 Building 17, SET, UNSW Canberra
Email: fangbao.tian#unsw.edu.au and onetfbao#gmail.com Tel: (+61) 2 5114 5212 Fax: (+61) 2 6268 8276 UNSW Research Gateway UNSW Canberra Staff Biography |
Mailing address: Room 216 Building 17 |
Delivery: Room 216 Building 17 SET, UNSW Canberra at ADFA |
Appointment: |
Education: |
PhD., Fluid Mechanics,
B.S., Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,
Awards and Honors: |
June, 2023: UNSW Canberra SEIT 2022 Publication Award;
February, 2022: UNSW Canberra Goldstar Award 2022;
December, 2021: IEEE Outstanding SMCS Chapter Award, IEEE SMC Society;
December, 2021: Outstanding Volunteer Award, IEEE ACT Section;
November, 2020: Co-recipient of the First Prize of Yunnan Science & Technology Awards, Yunnan Province, CN;
January, 2017: Journal of Fluids and Structures Highly Cited Research;
November, 2017: UNSW Canberra Silverstar Award 2018;
November, 2016: UNSW Canberra Silverstar Award 2017;
October, 2015: ARC DECRA 2016;
June, 2015: Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters 2012 Best Paper Award;
June, 2013: The 2013 AQL Best Paper Award;
September, 2010: International Travel Grant to the 2010 American Physical Society/Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS/DFD).
Research Interests: |
Numerical methods for fluid-structure interactions and complex flows;
Biological and biomedical flows;
Flow science and mechanical engineering science;
Flow stability, turbulence flow, unsteady aerodynamics & non-Newtonian fluids.
Teaching: |
Lecturer, UNSW, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Undergraduate, S1 2016-2023.
Co-Lecturer, UNSW, Fundamentals of Flight, Undergraduate, S2 2022.
Tutor & Co-Lecturer, UNSW, Fluid Mechanics, Undergraduate, S2 2021.
Co-Lecturer, UNSW, Hydraulic Engineering, Undergraduate, S2 2015.
Lecturer/Co-Lecturer, UNSW, Fluid Mechanics, Undergraduate, S2 2015, S2 2021.
Professional Services: |
Associate Editor, Journal of Fluids and Structures (2022- ), Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science (JMES) (2019-2023), PLOS ONE (2019-2023), Scientific Reports (2022-2023).
Member on Editorial Board, International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles (2019- ), JMES (2016-2019).
Lead Guest Editor, JMES - Lattice Boltzmann Method and its Applications in Engineering Flows (2021-2023).
Lead Guest Editor, JMES - Numerical simulations of biological flows and their engineering applications (2020-2021).
Lead Guest Editor, JMES - The LBM and its Applications in Complex Flows and FSI (2016-2018).
Lead Guest Editor, JMES - Bio-inspired Flapping Foils and Their Applications (2016-2018).
Lead Guest Editor, Comput Math Meth Med - Computational Methods and Models in Circulatory and Reproductive Systems (2016).
Assessor, Chilean National Science and Technology Commission and ARC.
Session Chair, DisCoVor (2023), 22nd AFMC (2022), 4th ACCM (2019), CCTAM (2017), 3rd FSSIC (2015), ICCFD 8 (2014).
Program Committee Member, ParCFD 2013, iCBEB 2014, iWB 2014, CCM2014 & 2015.
Reviewer, JFM, JCP, Microfluidics & Nanofluidics, J Biomech, JFS, JSV, JASA and other international journals (more than 20).