Flow Science Lab






Links & Jobs




A/Prof Fang-Bao Tian

Associate Professor (ARC DECRA Fellow 2016-2019, Deputy Head of School-Research 2023-) in the School of Engineering and Technology at University of New South Wales Canberra

Short Bio: A/Prof Fangbao Tian is now an Associate Professor in the School of Engineering and Technology of UNSW Canberra. A/Prof Tian was awarded a PhD in Engineering Mechanics in June 2011 by the University of Science and Technology of China. In September 2011, A/Prof Tian joined the Computational Flow Physics Laboratory at Vanderbilt University, USA, as a Postdoctoral Researcher. In August 2013, A/Prof Tian joined SET as a Research Associate and got a Lecturer position here in 2014. A/Prof Tian received ARC DECRA Fellow 2016, and was promoted to Senior Lecturer in 2017 and to Associate Professor in 2022.

Prof John Young

Professor in the School of Engineering and Technology at University of New South Wales Canberra

Short Bio: Professor John Young is a Professor in the SET at UNSW Canberra. He works on computational fluid dynamics, thermodynamics and fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, refrigeration, statics and dynamics, aeromechanical systems, computer programming, and mathematics.

Professor Joseph Lai

Emeritus Professor in the School of Engineering and Technology at University of New South Wales Canberra

Short Bio: Joseph Lai is an Emeritus rofessor in the SET. He was the Associate Dean (International) at UNSW Canberra from 2012 to 2016, the Associate Dean (Research) from 2004 to 2012 and Professor in Mechanical Engineering in SET. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia, a Fellow of the Australian Acoustical Society and an Associate Fellow of AIAA. Professor Lai's research interests are in turbulent shear flows and acoustics and vibration control, with over $3m external research funding in the last 10 years. His current work is focussed on the aerodynamic propulsive mechanism of flapping wings as applied to micro-aerial vehicles and high altitude long endurance vehicles and wind/wave power generation, and vibro-acoustic communication in termites.

A/Prof Sridhar Ravi

Associate Professor (Deputy Head of School-Admin 2024-) in the School of Engineering and Technology at University of New South Wales Canberra

Short Bio: A/Prof Sridhar Ravi is an Associate Professor in the SET at UNSW Canberra. A/Prof Ravi's research focuses on identifying the salient sensorimotor strategies that enable natural biological systems to deal with challenges of aerial navigation in the inherently complex outdoor environment and implementing these strategies on artificial platforms to build smarter miniature flying robots. He strives to conduct highly multi-disciplinary research whereby he uses biological systems such as insects and birds as inspirational and prototypical models to design and engineer smarter miniature artificial flying systems.

Current members


Shahbaz Ali, PhD (Supervision team: A/Prof Fangbao Tian, Prof John Young and Dr Li Wang)

BSc and MSc from Quaid-i-Azam Uni, Pakistan.

Topic: Turbulence Modelling of Viscoelastic Flows Involving Complex Geometries and Fluid-Structure Interactions.

Email: Shahbaz Ali#unsw.edu.au

Marshall Lin, PhD (Supervision team: A/Prof Fangbao Tian, Prof John Young and Dr Jisheng Zhao)

BTech from UNSW, Australia.

Topic: Bio-inpsired flapping wings on Mars.

Email: Marshall Lin#unsw.edu.au

Shantanu Bhat, Visiting Fellow (Aug 2024-), Research Associate (Mar 2023-Jul 2024)

PhD from the Monash University, Australia; M.S. from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, and B.S. from the College of Engineering Pune, India.

Email: s.bhat#unsw.edu.au

Josh Grosser, MPhil student (Supervision team: A/Prof Garth Pearce, A/Prof Fang-Bao Tian and Mr Robert Dane)

BEng from the University of Sydney, Australia.

Topic: Optimisation and flow control in flapping-foil propulsion.

Email: joshua.grosser#unsw.edu.au

Hong Ren, PhD student (Supervision team: A/Prof Fang-Bao Tian, A/Prof Sridhar and Dr Li Wang)

BEng & MSc from the Dalian Maritime University, China.

Topic: Flow control and its applications in flapping foils and sports.

Email: rh-sunny#outlook.com

Vigneshwaran (Vicky) Rajendran, MRes student (Supervision team: A/Prof Fang-Bao Tian, A/Prof Sridhar and Dr Li Wang)

BEng from the Anna University, India.

Topic: IB-LES for compressible FSI.

Email: vigneshwaranrajendran#outlook.com

Liye Fu, PhD student at ANU (Supervision team: Dr Juan Felipe Torres, Prof Yuerui Lu, Prof Wojciech Lipinski and A/Prof Fang-Bao Tian)

BEng from the Tianjin Chengjian University, and ME from the Beijing Institute of Technology, Iran.

Topic: Modelling of hydrogen storage and release with graphene.

Email: liye.fu#anu.edu.au

Seyed Mohsen Hashem Zadeh, PhD student (Supervision team: A/Prof Fang-Bao Tian, Prof John Young and Dr Li Wang)

BEng from the Isfahan University of Technology, Iran; and MS from the Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran.

Topic: Wind-fire-building interaction.

Email: s.hashem_zadeh#adfa.edu.au

Nathan Widdup, PhD student (Supervision team: A/Prof Fang-Bao Tian, Dr Li Wang, Prof John Young and Prof Hao Liu)

BEng from the UNSW, Canberra.

Topic: A numerical study of acoustic control in bio-inspired flight.

Email: n.widdup#student.unsw.edu.au

Ramyar Rahimi, PhD student (Supervision team: A/Prof Fang-Bao Tian and Prof John Young)

B.S. and M.S. from the Urmia University of Iran.

Topic: Numerical simulation of plaque growth and rupture in arteries by using Immersed Boundary-Lattice Boltzmann method.

Email: zaherrahimi#yahoo.com

Karthick Dhileep, PhD student (Supervision team: A/Prof Sridhar Ravi, Prof John Young and A/Prof Fang-Bao Tian)

B.S. from the Deemed University, India.

Topic: Biomechanics and Fluid Mechanics of Mosquito Larvae and Pupae.

Email: k.dhileep#adfa.edu.au

Li Wang, Visiting Fellow (Jan 2024-) & Research Associate (July 2017-Jan 2024)

B.S. from the North University of China, Taiyuan, China; PhD. from the Beijing Institute of Technology, China; Joint PhD student at SET, UNSW Canberra from Nov 2015 to Nov 2016.

Email: ethan_liwang#icloud.com

Previous members


Mohammad Ghaffari, PhD student (Oct 2020-Feb 2025)

B.S. from the Shiraz Azad University, Iran; and M.S. from the Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran.

Topic: Numerical Study of Non-Linear Fluid-Structure Interaction and Heat Transfer (Download).

Email: ghaffari.me91#gmail.com


Mohammed Fouad Kamel Ibrahim, PhD student (Feb 2021-Jan 2025)

B.S. and M.S. from the Helwan University, Egypt.

Topic: Numerical Study on Enhanced Boiling Heat Transfer by the Multiphase Lattice Boltzmann Methods (Download).

Email: mohammedfouad637#gmail.com


Omar Aref, PhD student (Sept 2020-Dec 2024)

B.S. and M.S. from the Alexandria University, Egypt.

Topic: Numerical Study on Unsteady Flows in Elastic Blood vessels (Download).

Email: omar.osama21#yahoo.com


Victor Huang, Research Associate (July 2024-Dec 2024)

B.S. and M.S. from Dalian University of Technology, Dalian; PhD from UNSW.

Project: Quantum computing of CFD.

Email: zhejunhuang88#gmail.com


Prof Hao Liu, Visiting Professor (Nov 2024)

Professor at Chiba University, Japan.

Email: hliu#faculty.chiba-u.jp


Li Xiao, PhD student (Oct 2020-Jul 2024)

BEng and MEng from the Tongji University, China.

Topic: Effect of Spatial Variability on the Structural Performance of Geogrid Reinforced Flexible Pavement (Download).

Email: Li.Xiao#unsw.edu.au


Fei Chai, PhD student (Sep 2020-Sep 2024)

First job after PhD: Geotechnical Engineer, Pells Sullivan Meynink (PSM), Australia.

Topic: Pile base resistance prediction in multilayered soil systems based on direct CPT methods (Download).

Email: fei.chai#adfa.edu.au


Bruce Jin, PhD student (Feb 2020-Feb 2024)

First job out of the lab: Postdoctoral Fellowship at CSIRO, Australia.

Topic: A Numerical Study on the Flapping-Wing Aerodynamics and Vortex Dynamics (Download).

Email: ruishu.jin#adfa.edu.au


Xueyu Ji, PhD student (Nov 2018-Aug 2022) & Research Associate (Oct 2022-Dec 2023)

First job out of lab: Research Associate at Griffith University.

Topic: Aerodynamic and Aeroacoustic Performance of Bio-inspired Flapping Wings (Download)

Email: kaihokyu#gmail.com


Methma RAJAMUNI, Research Associate (Jul 2020-Mar 2023)

First job out of lab: Research Associate at School of Science, UNSW Canberra.

Topic: Fluid-structure-acoustics interaction of flapping wings.

Email: methma.mm#gmail.com


Qiuxiang Huang, PhD student (Feb 2017-Dec 2020) & Casual Research Associate (Jan 2021 - Mar 2023)

First job out of lab: Research Associate at QUT.

Topic: Low Reynolds number turbulent FSI and its applications in biological flows (Download)

Email: qxhuang2013#gmail.com


Jie Yi, PhD student (based in Sydney, Mar 2017-Mar 2022)

First job out of lab: Clinical Trial Coordinator, Concord Repatriation General Hospital, Concord, NSW 2139.

Topic: The impact of myocardial bridging on fractional flow reserve (Download)

Email: Jie.Yi#student.unsw.edu.au


Soudeh Mazharmanesh, PhD student (Mar 2016-Dec 2019) & Research Associate (Dec 2019- Sept 2021)

First job out of lab: Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Sydney

Topic: Energy Harvesting of Inverted Piezoelectric Flags in Uniform and Oscillating Flows (Download)

Email: soudeh.mazharmanesh#sydney.edu.au


Yi Zhu, PhD student (Mar 2017-Oct 2020)

First job out of lab: Postdoctoral Fellow at Guangdong Ocean University, China

Topic: A Numerical Study of Fish Adaption Behaviors by Deep Reinforcement Learning and IB-LBM (Download)

Email: Yi.Zhu4#student.adfa.edu.au


Jingtao Ma, PhD Student (Mar 2016-Dec 2019) & Research Associate (Dec 2019- Feb 2021)

First job out of lab: Postdoctoral Research with Prof Pierre Sagaut at Aix-Marseille University, France

Topic: Effects of the Non-Newtonian Rheology on the Fluid-Structure Interactions in Biological Flows (Download)

Email: jingtaobit#gmail.com


Xu Yu, PhD student (Jul 2016-Jul 2020)

First job out of lab: Postdoct with Prof Klaus Regenauer-Lieb at UNSW and later Lecturer at China University of Mining and Technology

Topic: Multiscale Simulations of Coal Seam Gas Transport with the IB-LBM (Download)

Email: xuyu#cumt.edu.cn


Lincheng Xu, PhD student (Jul 2015-May 2019)

First job out of lab: Postdoctoral Research with Prof Pierre Sagaut at Aix-Marseille University, France

Topic: An Adaptive Mesh-based IB-LBM with LES and its Applications in Bio-fluid Dynamics (Download)

Email: linchgx#gmail.com


Zhengliang Liu, PhD student (Aug 2014-Mar 2018); Research Associate (Apr 2018-December 2018)

First job out of lab: Postdoctoral Research at Institute of Future Cities, Chinese University of Hongkong

Topic: Numerical analysis of the performance of flapping foil power generators (Download)

Email: liuzhengliang0219#gmail.com


Dr Timm Krueger, Rector Funded Visiting Fellow (Oct-Nov 2018)

Professor in Chemical Engineering, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.

Email: timm.krueger#ed.ac.uk


Daniel Pedisic, 4th year undergraduate student (Mar 2018-Nov 2018)

University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia.

Topic: CFD investigation of low Reynolds number flapping power generation


Aamer Shahzad, PhD student (Dec 2013-Dec 2017)

First job out of lab: Assistant Professor, College of Aeronautical Engineering, National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan

Topic: Numerical analysis of the effects of flexibility, shapes and aspect ratios on hovering wing aerodynamics (Download)

Email: aamer58#gmail.com


Dongyan Gao, Visiting Fellow (Oct 2016-May 2017)

Professor at Nanjing Institute of Technology, China.

Topic: Flow and heat transfer in porous medium.

Email: njgdy2010#163.com


Vishal Naidu, Research Associate (casual, Mar 2016-Oct 2016)

Topic: Fluid-structure interaction of sperm swimming.

Email: v.naidu#adfa.edu.au


Dr Yi Sui, Rector Funded Visiting Fellow (Jul 2016)

Professor at Queen Mary University of London, UK.

Email: y.sui#qmul.ac.uk


Edward Petersen, undergraduate practicum student (From Jan 2016 to Feb 2016; Jun 2016 to Aug 2016)

Software Engineering, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia.

Topic: Fluid-structure interaction of sperm swimming.

Email: dward3000#gmail.com


Prof Wenquan Wang, Visiting Fellow (From Nov 2014 to Apr 2015)

Professor at Sichuan University, China.

Email: wwqquan#126.com